Glenn Suokko is an artist, writer, and designer.

Welcome to our online galleries, featuring selections of paintings and book projects.

Compositions, Representations, and Landscapes

See a selection of recent work.

Past and Current Exhibitions

Explore online presentations of recent and past work.

Visit Us

Our exhibition space is located in a historic building on the Ottauquechee River in Quechee, Vermont.

Art Books

Glenn Suokko’s latest book design project in two volumes, Sanyu: His Life and Complete Works in Oil, is the definitive biography and catalogue raisonné on the Chinese French artist.

Museums, Galleries, Publishers, Artists

Let us know if you wish to discuss a potential book project or exhibition catalogue.

We like to keep it simple.

We send one e-newsletter on the first day of each month, highlighting work from the studio or on view at our gallery space.