Wildflowers and Dots
The ongoing “Wildflower” series of work that Glenn Suokko began in 2020 represents his interest in developing compositional structures based on a grid and letting an intuitive process govern the outcome, while making aesthetic choices about placement, color, texture, contrast, and the degree of opacity or translucency as he paints the canvas over several weeks or months.
“If there is a reference in the work, it would be the many inspiring clusters of wildflowers I see evolve from spring to fall on the hillside meadows where I live and work in Vermont. These Wildflower paintings, as I call them, are clearly not literal depictions of specific flowers but abstractions of visual impressions. Through compositional rhythm in these nonrepresentational paintings, an organic organization of form, color, shape, and line, as well as a fluid approach to painting, I seek to reveal abstract ideas of beauty, tranquility, and intervals of time.”
The “Dot” paintings are a development of his Wildflower series. For Suokko, working in series provides an opportunity for the bigger development of an idea by exploring variations within a thematic construct.